Tuesday, August 20, 2013

What's wrong? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. :)

First of all, my intention for this post is not to perpetuate the unbecoming infatuation single girls in their twenties tend to have with becoming wives and getting married. It is just a humorous reminder to myself whenever I start feeling a little down, and hopefully, it might bring others some joy as well.

From now on, whenever things don't work out with a guy, my first reaction will not be, "What did I do wrong?!!??" I've decided that this is not only an illogical response, but also detrimental to a healthy self-esteem. My reasoning is as follows:

1. I'm an reasonably attractive person. By no means do I look like supermodels in the media, but honestly, I don't want to look like that. I like the way I look. I'm healthy, I take care of my body, and I'm confident; therefore, I am attractive. 
2. I'm smart. I like knowing things. I like learning things. I like teaching and being taught. Who wouldn't want to share their own interests with someone like this? 
3. Finally, I have a good sense of humor. Not only am I easily amused and laugh at everything (boosting the confidence of whoever's cracking jokes), but I'm also quick-witted myself. And, if you happen to appreciate a high dose of sarcasm, then boy, are you in for a real treat!

To conclude, no longer will I wonder what's wrong with me. No. Hence forth, whenever a guy is leaving the picture, I will say, "What the hell was wrong with him that he didn't want to be with someone like me?"