Wednesday, March 31, 2010

MGMT's Congratulations

So here it is folks. MGMT's latest video has been released from their new album.

I've listened to the leaked album a few times on the band's website (, and I really like a few of the songs. For example, Congratulations and It's Working have some neat, beach rock vibes cruising through them. Others, however I'm not too sure on. Lady Dada's Nightmare, an instrumental track that Andrew was quoted as being about having sex with Lady Gaga, is weird enough on it's own. Furthermore, it reminds me of this Halloween CD my parents used to play to scare the kids in our neighborhood. I'm going to reserve full judgment, though, until I've listened to it driving (it's the best listening environment for me) and have let everything sink in.

Flash Delirium, is what I'll leave you with. Overall, I like it's sound. I can't really decide what it reminds me of -- kind of like a twisted version of some mod '60s movie's soundtrack. This leads me to my next point. I've included the recently released video for your viewing, uh... pleasure. It reminds me of A Clockwork Orange, a '60s movie a friend used to talk about all the time, and that I only saw the last half of one time on television. It was about a criminal who had been conditioned to feel extreme pain whenever he thought about committing an evil act. Sounds weird, I know, but you just wait til you watch the video I posted. I'm going to go ahead and warn you: it is super trippy, and those with a history of epilepsy might want to refrain from watching it.

I would love opinions.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Do not put off til tomorrow what you can get done today.

I have a very blessed life. I just wanted to start off with that.

I had a lovely weekend, topped off by a fantastic trip to Nashville. Robin Pecknold completely lived up to my expectations. He is so talented, and one really can't compare any of his recordings to hearing him live. He's also adorably awkward on stage, like he's not comfortable with the attention, which I can relate to.

Now, as I end my reminiscing on yesterday, I'm left wondering when a group member will send me the rest of her part of the paper that's due tomorrow. This paper was all set up to be turned in last Thursday, yet when my group members heard that the deadline was pushed back, they decided to slack off until tonight. I had all of my stuff ready two weeks ago! It's just so frustrating working with people who are not as motivated as I am. I'm not a last minute kind of girl when it comes to assignments. I did that stuff before, and I don't like the unnecessary stress that comes with that.

I guess that will be my life lesson for the day: "Do not put off til tomorrow what you can get done today." I would say this goes for life in general and not just school work only. There's a sense of accomplishment that comes at night when you've done a good day's work. I think that's why God ordained six days of work and only one for rest and worship. God knew what He was doing. He has everything in order for us to live happy, fulfilling lives in accordance with His loving law, yet we think we know better and have to try things out our own way.

Thank you, Lord, for your patience with me.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Oh, Boys

So I have been meaning to update since Monday night, but have yet to find the time or topic of an update. Now, I have many things I'd like to discuss, but will save those for a separate post. I'll start with the most trivial and cliche.

I would just like to ponder on the minds of guys concerning girls right quickly, based on some of my recent experiences and interactions. It seems to me that many guys, especially the Christian ones, know the right girls to pursue, yet repeatedly pursue the wrong girls anyway. By "wrong" I not only mean the girls who aren't committed Christians, but also the ones who are personality or doctrinally unsuited for these guys. Furthermore, even after a guy has pursued this type of girl, and things do not work out, they seek other girls just like the one that has just left the picture, not to mention that a right girl is just beneath his nose who contains all the right qualities they think they see in the others. I guess a reasonable explanation would be the guy's fixation with personal appearance, but maybe there are other factors I'm not aware of.

Next, I would like to consider the guys who pursue the right girls, but completely screw it up (forgive my crudeness for lack of a better description). They pursue her successfully, yet when it comes down to making the pursuit into an actual relationship, they panic (I guess -- I'm not really sure what happens here) and run the opposite direction. Then, to top it all off, the guys realize they made a mistake a month or so later and try to repair whatever was left between them and the girl without any form of contact before then. I don't understand why they think a girl who respects herself would reconsider a relationship with a boy who ultimately built her up just to leave her hanging.

Okay, so my rant is over. I realize this is not really a post of substance or even an interesting post for some, but it is happening in my life, and therefore needed discussing. I would love feedback as well.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Widow's Offering

So, my readers, I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to write yesterday. I had a very busy, but rejuvenating Lord's Day.

I got up at 7am so that I could drive back to school and attend my church there. I feel so at home at this church, and I'm really sad about not being able to attend next year when I move back home after graduation. I have to say that I have never attended a church other than this one where I feel convicted after every sermon. The fellowship is awesome, and there's a balance in the music, but the lyrics are always theologically rich. I feel it's the closest to perfect a church could ever be for me.

That aside I guess I'll recap. Sunday school consisted of a small group discussion of the plagues. I love studying the Old Testament when I know how it works in line with the New Testament. Sunday night was a pastoral discussion on multi-site churches and whether they are biblical. It's something I had been thinking about myself and found the sermon very helpful. This kind of thing happens a lot, though, where something I've been contemplating is the topic of a sermon at this church.

The service, though, was on the Widow's Offering (Mark 12:38-43) and was very revealing. My pastor stated that most often, when this passage is preached, pastors say this is an illustration on giving to the church and Jesus' praise of the widow since she gave all that she had. This explanation is what most of us think when we think of the parable, as well. However, this is most likely not the story's purpose, which my pastor proceeded to illustrate. In verse 40, Jesus says that the temple leaders "devour widows' houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. Such men will be punished most severely." Immediately following this, Jesus then tells the story of the widow's offering. The lesson isn't in that she gave all that she had, but that the temple leaders let her do this and accepted the offering. They clearly let a poor woman go hungry for their own vanity (verses 38 and 39). The story of the Widow's Offering is a condemnation of the church leaders for letting a poor woman give to a church that was not in need (verse 41). Needless to say, I was astounded by this explanation, especially after rereading the passages and seeing how much more sense it made this way. I wonder how I could have comprehended it in any other manner.

Today, was uneventful in itself, especially compared to the thought-provoking insight I received Sunday. I mostly caught up on school work (I don't have class on Mondays) and relaxed, followed by some invigorating yoga earlier this evening. I'm trying to make it imperative that I do not neglect taking care of my body since it is the temple of the Lord, which means exercising as well as the usual abstaining from any harmful substances most associate with keeping the body a Holy dwelling place. I find when I think about it this way, I'm much more motivated to exercise. But now it is time for bed so I can be fully rested and alert for classes tomorrow and exercise my brain.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

First Day of Spring

Happy first day of Spring! In accordance with God's genius creation of the seasons, and this particular season of re-birth and new life, my music collection saw some new life of its own.

In eight days, I'm going to Nashville to see Robin Pecknold (lead singer of Fleet Foxes) open for Joanna Newsom, who I had never even heard before I bought the tickets. I spent a lot of time this morning watching some videos of her performances, and I am smitten. I would describe her as Bjork meets a Renaissance fair: unique vocals with a folky twist. There's something captivating about her that keeps me listening, even when I begin to think it's getting a little strange, so I will admit her sound isn't for everyone. The high melodies and sometimes nasally vocals could rub the average person the wrong way, but I found it refreshingly different and beautiful. My iTunes is now a happy home for several of her songs. If anyone is wanting to check her out, I would recommend her Joanna Newsome and the Ys Street Band album. Needless to say, though, I'm even more excited about my trip, now. It will definitely be a show to remember.

Keeping in line with the Folk theme. I've recently acquired some Sufjan Stevens for my music library. I've liked him for a while, since he shows up on many of my Pandora stations, and thought it was about time to give him a more permanent place in my music collection. So far, Chicago from his Illinois album and Come Thou Fount from his Christmas collection are my favorites. I'm a sucker for hymns, though. I love the strings, flutes, and smooth vocals. Very pleasing to the ear. I would recommend him to anyone.

All in all, it was a great day. New music, being outside in the warm-ish weather with my dog in God's beautiful creation, and some family time made today a great Saturday.

Friday, March 19, 2010

First Post

Welcome to my blog!

I'm not quite certain where I'd like to go with this little space. There's so much happening in my life now, and I'm never set in my ways. My interests change, my music changes, my sleeping habits, place of residence, etc.... I'm a work in progress, hopefully never to reach completion.

Some things, however, are constant. I'm a follower of Christ no matter what, but this is nothing I could ever achieve on my own (Eph. 2:8-9), so I shouldn't be credited with that. Also, I'm passionate about music. I sing, and I'd like to think I can play the piano, and I even know a few chords on the guitar, but it's nothing for anyone's ears but my own. Music is constantly around me, whether in my car, walking to class, or merely in my head. It's a blessing, a means of escape, indulgence, and praise for my God.

Now that you, my readers, have a sense of what motivates me and my spontaneity, I hope you will better understand the future blogs I post. It is my hope to use this spot as a means to share with the world any and all of the randomness that floats around in my head including contemplations on life, the universe, and well... everything!