Friday, March 19, 2010

First Post

Welcome to my blog!

I'm not quite certain where I'd like to go with this little space. There's so much happening in my life now, and I'm never set in my ways. My interests change, my music changes, my sleeping habits, place of residence, etc.... I'm a work in progress, hopefully never to reach completion.

Some things, however, are constant. I'm a follower of Christ no matter what, but this is nothing I could ever achieve on my own (Eph. 2:8-9), so I shouldn't be credited with that. Also, I'm passionate about music. I sing, and I'd like to think I can play the piano, and I even know a few chords on the guitar, but it's nothing for anyone's ears but my own. Music is constantly around me, whether in my car, walking to class, or merely in my head. It's a blessing, a means of escape, indulgence, and praise for my God.

Now that you, my readers, have a sense of what motivates me and my spontaneity, I hope you will better understand the future blogs I post. It is my hope to use this spot as a means to share with the world any and all of the randomness that floats around in my head including contemplations on life, the universe, and well... everything!

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