Saturday, March 20, 2010

First Day of Spring

Happy first day of Spring! In accordance with God's genius creation of the seasons, and this particular season of re-birth and new life, my music collection saw some new life of its own.

In eight days, I'm going to Nashville to see Robin Pecknold (lead singer of Fleet Foxes) open for Joanna Newsom, who I had never even heard before I bought the tickets. I spent a lot of time this morning watching some videos of her performances, and I am smitten. I would describe her as Bjork meets a Renaissance fair: unique vocals with a folky twist. There's something captivating about her that keeps me listening, even when I begin to think it's getting a little strange, so I will admit her sound isn't for everyone. The high melodies and sometimes nasally vocals could rub the average person the wrong way, but I found it refreshingly different and beautiful. My iTunes is now a happy home for several of her songs. If anyone is wanting to check her out, I would recommend her Joanna Newsome and the Ys Street Band album. Needless to say, though, I'm even more excited about my trip, now. It will definitely be a show to remember.

Keeping in line with the Folk theme. I've recently acquired some Sufjan Stevens for my music library. I've liked him for a while, since he shows up on many of my Pandora stations, and thought it was about time to give him a more permanent place in my music collection. So far, Chicago from his Illinois album and Come Thou Fount from his Christmas collection are my favorites. I'm a sucker for hymns, though. I love the strings, flutes, and smooth vocals. Very pleasing to the ear. I would recommend him to anyone.

All in all, it was a great day. New music, being outside in the warm-ish weather with my dog in God's beautiful creation, and some family time made today a great Saturday.

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