Monday, August 29, 2011

Not ready... but maybe

Second summer vacation was over as of last Wednesday.

I'm not yet ready to relinquish my only worries being work-related...
Reading what I want instead of what I have too...
Random late nights doing nothing in particular...
Days when putting on make up would be pointless...
Swimming all day long...
Spending most of my time outside the apartment...

However, the beginning of the semester signals the coming of Fall and many other good things.

Hot tea and coffee is even more enjoyable...
Football games to watch and attend...
Wearing jeans and sweatshirts, scarves and cardigans...
Leaves turning warm, pretty colors...
The option of running outside at whatever time of day I want...
Cool, crisp mornings that turn into warm afternoons...

Thank You, Lord, for the changing seasons. For giving us beautiful things to look at that signify Your amazing power and presence in our lives. Thank You for caring about us so much that You created these things for our enjoyment. Most of all, thank You for providing a way out of sin through the sacrifice of Your Son. Help me grow to be more like Him every day. It is in His name that I pray. Amen.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Music Post

Bands I want to see this Fall:
  1. September - Coldplay, Manchester Orchestra, and The Black Keys at Music Midtown
  2. October - Needtobreathe in Starkville
  3. November - The Avett Brothers at Bulldog Bash and David Crowder Band in Jackson.

Bands I've obsessed over this Summer:
Phoenix - There's just something about them that makes me want to wear neon and dance around my living room.

    Passion Pit - They also make me wanna dance around my living room while wearing neon... but with the addition of glow sticks.

      Coldplay - I have been obsessed with them for far longer than this summer. Try nine glorious years. However, I'm super excited about their newest album, Mylo Xyloto, that will be released October 24. If the rest of the album is anything like Every Teardrop is a Waterfall, I dare say it will be their best since Parachutes.


        Friday, August 5, 2011

        Summer Part 2

        My first ever summer school experience is over, and I am over half-way through with my graduate program. It feels great to be done with all my papers and to have a short break before I'm back at it in the fall.

        This is the longest I've gone without blogging for a while. Honestly, school and work had taken up most of my time, so there really wasn't a lot to blog about. However, I did get in one good weekend of fun-ness. A few weekends ago, my amazingly talented friend performed her very first show, which was run and put together by some more amazingly talented friends. Here is the video of one of the covers she did that night. Also, she's got a couple songs on iTunes, so check her out.

        Now, though, I have lots of free time between work, and I plan on spending a lot of it outside. Now, don't get me wrong about libraries, they have their purpose, but spending eight hours a day in one for about two weeks strait kills a little bit of my soul. Snshine is required. I celebrated my first day of summer break part 2 (part 1 was between Spring and the start of summer) by sliding in some dirt, hiking through some woods, and swimming in a river. Despite the fact that my shoulders burned since it had been a while since they had seen sunlight, I had a blast. We also finished out the day swimming in a pool and playing some tennis.

        I had planned on going home (2nd home) this weekend to visit family, but some work things came up, and I had to reschedule. I'm a little disappointed, but I'm glad to have another weekend spending time with my friends before school, and to not miss time with my church family this Sunday.

        Hopefully, I'll have some more exciting, adventurous things to blog later... with pictures, too.