I am frustrated.
Really, eff-ing frustrated.
I will be 26 years old tomorrow, and I am no closer to understanding males. I hear all the time that guys want a girl who has her sh*t figured out, is laid-back, funny, adventurous, blah, blah, blah, confident, blah, blah... But I'm starting to think that's a load of crap. I am gainfully employed, working towards owning my own home, exude confidence, have a few lucrative hobbies, and you know what that gets me? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Why? Because, apparently, I'm intimidating. Guys don't want a girl who's got it figured out. They want a wounded bird they can take care of and nurse back to health and who will rely on them for every little thing. They may never consciously admit it, but that's what strokes their male egos.
And you know what? I'll never be a wounded bird. I can and do take care of myself financially, emotionally, etc. quite well on my own. However, that doesn't mean I don't want someone in my life who can share that responsibility. No one even wants to take the time to get to know me, though, to understand me or even see what they might be able to offer me in a relationship because of their own stupid insecurities.
And, I know. I don't need to be told that I don't need a guy like that, someone who is insecure and intimidated by a successful, independent female. But where the hell are the good ones hiding? Are they all married by now? Like, where am I supposed to find a guy who I am compatible with and who is thrilled to find a girl like me?
I'm starting to feel like I may be single for ever, or for at least the next 20 years, when guys my age will finally start realizing that wounded birds are damn tiring to maintain. I may not even want to get married if I'm still single at 46. I don't really see much of a point, then.
Okay, rant over. I just needed to get this out. Any other girls feel like this, or am I the only one?
Also, I apologize for the language, but I feel it was an appropriate depiction of my emotions at this time.
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