Monday, April 26, 2010

The End of an Era

This week is my last week as a college student.

It's been an interesting ride, especially the past few weeks as I went to my last class, last RUF, last Noonday, last choir concert and practice, last weekend with my roommates....

It's so hard to believe that I've accomplished what I've been working toward the past four years. It's a little surreal. This last semester has been the best by far. The Lord has blessed me beyond measure. I've learned so much, made so many encouraging friends, and got to experience new places.

In a few days, I will be returning home. I have no plan at all as to what I'll be doing for at least the next year or so. It seems God is calling me to fully trust Him in the job-seeking department. He's never let me down before, and I know He won't now. It's just so hard knowing that the world expects me to have it all worked out and I don't. But I know that the life I'm living is not mine anymore. It has been bought with the blood of Jesus, and I have died. It is Christ that lives in me.

So... my future consists of wholly trusting God to reveal to me the good works He has prepared in advance for me. My life's goal is to glorify God - not to make a six digit salary. I will not give in to the pressures of the world. I have much higher things to live for.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Day Without Shoes

Today, Thursday, April 8, 2010, Tom's shoes (which is, if you don't already know, an organization that donates a pair of shoes to needy children for each pair you buy) asked people across the nation to ditch their shoes and go barefoot. Why? It wasn't to seem cool as part of some subcultural movement, and it wasn't to bring attention to a brand of footwear. It was to bring awareness to what a blessed life we as Americans live. We take so much for granted in our comfy little bubbles. Tom's wanted people to experience what children in Third World countries go through everyday: a life without shoes.

I participated in this event today. I must admit I cheated - I rode my bike to class from my apartment and foot pedals are hard and pointy. I know this kind of goes against the point. Children in Third World countries deal with a lot more than hard, plastic bumps jabbing uncomfortably into their feet. I did shed my shoes when I got off my bike, though, and I went from 8:00am until 1:00pm sans zapatos. It was quite liberating, though I highly doubt the sidewalks and paths of Mississippi State's campus are nothing like, say Rwanda or parts of South America. It was quite an experience when I caught the eyes of a few other barefooters as we exchanged silent high-fives.

However, I expected a lot more people to participate. When I asked a few people why, I got responses like, "Oh, I would have, but I had to go to work," or "It's just so dirty on campus," or "It's a good idea, bu I really don't see the point."

Well the point I see is this. For one day, a group of people decided to experience first-hand the hardships other fellow human beings endure. This wasn't as much an awareness campaign as a recommended shock of reality. Yes, I got to tell people why I wasn't wearing shoes and hopefully they were inspired to respond to this need. And there's the beauty. We can help. One for one. Such a simple, taken-for-granted item can drastically change the quality of life for children around the world.

Day without shoes, you made me think. You made me share. You made me pray.
God, help me to not stay focused on my tiny, sheltered, spoiled life. Help me to see the big picture.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Resurrection Power

Dear readers, I would like to share with you some Good News. On this day, I celebrate the death and resurrection of a Man who took my sins upon His guiltless head and made Himself a sacrifice to atone for my debt to God. He did this not only for me, but for the whole world (1 John 2:2). That means you too may enjoy this freedom! We have a Savior who died but now lives in us (Galatians 2:20)! That is the power of the resurrection.

This morning I visited the church of my aunt and uncle. It being Easter Sunday, there was a full house. I'd imagine that at least a fourth or more of the people there were not believers. What a great opportunity to present the Gospel! However, and I hate to say it, the message was lacking. The theme in the message was "Resurrection Power," yet I didn't once hear the pastor define or expound on this power, but only say that we need it in our lives. While I do wholeheartedly agree with this statement, I could only apply it through what knowledge I have already, knowledge an unbeliever would not have.

That is why I wanted to write this little blog. To explain what power the resurrection holds for us. We are all sinners who fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) and deserve death, but have been given a free gift to receive life instead (Romans 6:23)! That gift is what I mentioned earlier. God graciously sent His Son to receive the punishment of our sin, to die on a cross. He died, but now He is alive and living in us! That is the power of the resurrection!

Friends, if you are in Christ, rejoice! Your sins are forgiven and on this day you celebrate the life of your Savior. However, if you have yet to receive God's forgiveness, acknowledge His presence in your life and relinquish control to Him. He offers peace and freedom from death. He's already paid the price! You simply say, "Lord, I know I am a sinner and deserve death, and there is nothing I can do to reach you except through Jesus. I give my life to you."

Celebrate the Resurrection Power today! Rejoice and give praise to the Living God!
Sola scriptura, Sola fide, Sola gratia, Solus Christus, Soli Deo Gloria!