Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Posting has been sporadic lately because my computer has been broken for a few months now, and the only time I'm on the internet is when I'm at work (yes, I'm blogging at work). My camera is also broken which means I rarely have pictures I want to post either. Nonetheless, I figured it was time for an update.

I've graduated and now have a Master's degree. It's odd thinking about how that phase in my life has already come and gone so quickly.

I'm still on the job hunt, but I've taken up another part-time gig to help fill in the gaps, both in my wallet and my schedule. I have sooo much free time now! I literally don't know what to do with it all. Add this to my recent decision to have the cable/internet disconnected from my apartment, and I get days spent by the pool devouring books (the library sees a lot of me) and evenings of randomness with friends. The job will have me working a lot of weekends, which means trips to Tupelo will be few and far between, unfortunately.

I'm getting a new roommate! This is part of the reason for the no cable/internet decision. New roommate a.k.a. Kate doesn't move in til the end of July; therefore, I get to handle all of the utilities by myself! Joy.... I'm also relearning how to live alone. I did for about a month or two when I first moved to Hattiesburg, but at least then I had school to keep me occupied. Yeah, so... the free time.

A lot has changed in such a short amount of time. Life is funny, but I've come to accept that I don't have to have it figured out. I know I never will have it figured out, and there's freedom in that. I'm happy. I like having free afternoons to bask in the sun. I like that I have to be more creative to entertain myself. God's using this time in my life to prepare me for the next step. I don't need to know what that step is, I just need to trust that it's there.

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