Monday, March 7, 2011

In Remembrance

So, I'm home in Tupelo for Spring Break. March is basically the birthday month in my family, so it's good I got to come home this year. There's at least six of us with birthdays this month, which was signaled by my uncle Russell's on the 3rd.

Russell passed away in an apartment fire when he was in school at Mississippi State when I was eleven. I didn't get to see him a lot when I was little, but what I do remember is getting him in tickle fights with my sisters, stealing his wallet and making him chase us around the house, and waking up to him and his college friends sleeping on our couches on random weekends when they visited my parents.

That's me and him. I couldn't have been more than one year old, so he was about 13. He was always a lot of fun. I miss him sometimes randomly-- like when I start to think about if we would have hung out once I got older like I do with my aunts now, or if he would have taken me to concerts and told me about cool new bands, or whenever I hear the Grateful Dead or Widespread Panic.

So, this is just a little blog memorial, me dedicating a post to my cool uncle who shared my birth month. Miss you, Russell. I'll be seeing you on down the road.

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