Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New Album: Fleet Foxes

Finally! Some new music I'm eager to review!

Fleet Foxes has announced the release of its new album, Helplessness Blues, for May 3rd. Yes, I know that's a long time to wait for the beautiful echoed harmonies, Robin Pecknold's incredible high vocals, and the symphony of acoustic guitar wonder. However, the band was kind enough to give us a tiny taste to whet our appetites and hopefully hold us off until then. The title track from the upcoming album is now up for a free download! I've embedded it here for your listening pleasure.

I'm currently in the process of listening to it on repeat. So far, it's exactly what I was hoping for. We get all those things distinctly Fleet Foxes-y, but with a different spin. Like always, I hear a hint of '70s Folk and Southern Rock. The verses here bring to mind America's "Horse With No Name" or maybe some James Taylor, and the chorus, the Allman Brothers. I'm really pleased with this track, and I'm so excited to hear the rest of the album!

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